Star Wars: Dark Times ||| 17 ||| Dark Horse

Star Wars: Dark Times #17

While Dass is recovering from his wounds, the Uhumele crew gains an unforeseen ally.  Wait. Not another Jedi!

Can clean cut Dass set things straight?  Should he have shaved?  I'm gonna go with no.

Star Wars: Dark Times ||| 15 ||| Dark Horse

Dass Jennir has started a war but will he get ensnared?  Good to see the Uhumele crew again but I am wondering how long the remaining crew will remain a crew.  Vader is ruthless.

Star Wars: Dark Times ||| 16 ||| Dark Horse

The story really ramps up here.  Dass gets pulled into the fray he started.  Can he save the whiney brat and his mother?  What happens to Jennir's "employer"?  How will Telerath fair after the bloodshed? 

Dass the child abusing Jedi